I hear that Leanna's coworker was wondering if we still "just got home from Italy." Truth be told, I kind of forgot about this thing. We'll try and be more diligent from now on.
Our big news is of course that we bought a new house in Saint Louis Park! All week we've been hauling over loads of boxes, and Sunday morning we'll be getting a truck and taking the big furniture (preemptive thanks to Eric, Jerod and Brent). Leanna and her parents did a wonderful job with the painting. We promise to take and upload some pictures this weekend.
The DirecTV installer is coming out this afternoon, so it looks like I won't miss any of this weekend's commieball....whew! If all goes according to plan, the intertubes will be turned on at the house on Tuesday.
lucifer919 อยากได้เงินก็ต้องลองเว็บดีโปร่งใสจ่ายทุกบาท
มีชื่อหนึ่งที่ได้รับความสนใจอย่างมาก lucifer919
10 months ago